Sunday, January 10, 2010

I Went Through With It... and Had Fun

I'm still processing the events of last night but I did go through with attending the sex party.

I battled with myself as I got ready (has it always taken so long?) and, in the end, got into a cab and was on my way. I got there more quickly than I expected, was nervous as hell (would I be accepted, would I find anyone attractive, would anyone fine ME attractive, would this be an emotional disaster?) and took a few minutes to calm myself while I undressed in the bathroom.

I checked my clothes and ventured into the 'playroom'. The experience was very much as I remembered. I guess not much changes with these things other than the location and the participants. I was surprised at how quickly my nerves left and how quickly I was approached. Turns out I was much more popular than I imagined possible. A very nice boost to my ego!

It was still a bit overwhelming so I really didn't engage in a lot of activity, preferring to keep things simple and let myself get used to the idea that I am still sexually desirable. A little sensual conversation, a lot of kissing, and some oral play was as far as I was willing to go and there was plenty of opportunity for just that. Watching others engage in more intense play was more than enough for a 'first time'.

I only stayed for about two hours but had a great time. This is a pretty regular party so I'll definitely go again and explore and engage more as I reacquaint and become more comfortable with my sexual side. We've been apart for a long time!


cb said...

I've had quite a bit of fun at some "parties" in my day! I'd love to attend another soon!

Kip said...

Hey CB! Thanks for being my first commenter!

I have to imagine there are some up in your neck of the woods. Find one and go! You are a very good looking guy and have no excuse (says me!). You'll be a hit! Either that or come out to NYC. There are a LOT to choose from here.